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DevOps Tools - Monitoring - ELK

Lasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK). The ELK Stack is the most common log analytics solution in the modern IT world. It collects logs from all services, applications, networks, tools, servers, and more in an environment into a single, centralized location for processing and analysis. We use it for analytical purposes (e.g., to troubleshoot problems, monitor services, and reduce the time it takes to solve operational issues). Another use for this tool is for security and auditing (e.g., to monitor changes in security groups and changes in permissions). After receiving alerts on these issues, it is easy to act on unauthorized users and activities. We also use ELK for business intelligence, such as monitoring our users and their behaviour. You can set up your own ELK or buy it as-a-service. We’ve written a guide for the community on using ELK to monitor your application performance.

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