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Mentoring the New Culture (Continued)

Another aspect of opening communications is logistical. Your best bet for successful communications is with people who sit together or have a common physical space that allows for chance interactions and conversations. Think about the conferences you have attended. The "hallway track" is often just as awesome as the talks. People get to meet in person and talk in real time about interesting things. The product your team is building benefits from this unfettered communications. Get your folks some dedicated white boards to work on and share ideas. Facilitate all avenues of communication.

If your team is not permanently collocated, bring them together for as long as you can at the beginning of the project. You want them to get to know each other, talk to each other, and begin to gel as a team. A week is probably the minimum; two is better.

Your next hurdle is realigning the responsibilities of your team. The scariest part of this step is fixing your broken on-call schedule. Guaranteed, if only your system administrators have ever been paged about your product, your responsibility model needs to be updated. It should be obvious; if the desire is to have the product be as awesome as it possibly can be, every bump, burp, or error in the code would report back to the person who wrote that code and is most likely to understand what is wrong in order to start the process of fixing it. Fault recovery processes in siloed teams are full of wasted time while additional input is requested from people who didn’t think they needed to be available.

Similarly, Dev and QA shouldn’t be the only ones creating tests for the product. If your team is adopting DevOps practices in order to put more product features in front of customers more often, you want to be confident that the way you’re installing the product’s requirements or new infrastructure will behave properly with your product. This requires testing. How you test varies with the availability of hardware resources and the tools your team might be using. Making it a priority to test infrastructure changes is assigning value to a new behaviour, changing the incumbent culture.

Mentoring your team around respect derives from how you resolve interpersonal conflicts among team members. Team members need to feel that everyone is being treated fairly and has a voice. Sometimes teams fight, and fighting it out over a difficult topic isn’t always a bad thing. But it’s possible to have a good fight and a bad fight. Personal attacks and name-calling are obviously not the kinds of behaviours you want in a collaborative team, and you have to deal with them from a managerial standpoint. These are the difficult discussions for many managers, and it is tempting to sit back and let people deal with their conflicts. Do not be tempted to ignore destructive behaviors; engage the people who are fighting in a constructive discussion, work through the sticking points, and mediate a compromise if one is warranted. This is a good place to ask one of your SMEs to help mediate and act as an impartial judge.

Finally, your team members will learn to trust each other over time. The changes to behaviors in communication, responsibility, and respect build an open, collaborative environment. Your team will build new relationships that they wouldn’t have had in an otherwise siloed environment. It may take a while for your team to heal from whatever post-deploy PTSD may be haunting their nightmares.

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