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Why Cloud Computing? 

At YBT Services we have seen a lot of argument for and against cloud computing. This is a summary of cloud computing advantages:

1.    Flexible Scalability

       Cloud-based services are ideal for businesses with growing or fluctuating bandwidth demands. If your needs
       increase it’s easy to scale up your cloud capacity, drawing on the service’s remote servers. Likewise, if you need
       to scale down again, the flexibility is baked into the service. This level of agility can give businesses using cloud
       computing a real advantage over competitors – it’s not surprising that CIOs and IT Directors rank ‘operational
       agility’ as a top driver for cloud adoption.

2.    Backup, Restore, Disaster Recovery (DSR) and Business Continuity (BuCon)
       Businesses of all sizes should be investing in robust disaster recovery, but for smaller businesses that lack the
       required cash and expertise, this is often more an ideal than the reality. Cloud is now helping more organisations
       buck that trend. According to Aberdeen Group, small businesses are twice as likely as larger companies to have
       implemented cloud-based backup and recovery solutions
that save time, avoid large up-front investment and roll
       up third-party expertise as part of the deal. In our organisation we call it 'Pass the Monkey' it results in:

       * Savings on Personnel;

       * Savings on Standard Operating Procedures (SOP);

       * Savings on Infrastructure;

       * Release of computing resources;

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