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Why Cloud Computing? (Continued)

08.  Competitiveness

       Wish there was a simple step you could take to become more competitive? Moving to the cloud gives access to enterprise-
       class technology, for everyone. It also allows smaller businesses to act faster than big, established competitors. Pay-as-you-
       go service and cloud business applications mean small outfits can run with the big boys, and disrupt the market, while
       remaining lean and nimble. David now packs a Goliath-sized punch.

09.  Environmentally Friendly
       While the above points spell out the benefits of cloud computing for your business, moving to the cloud isn’t an entirely selfish
       act. The environment gets a little love too. When your cloud needs fluctuate, your server capacity scales up and down to fit.            So you only use the energy you need and you don’t leave oversized carbon footprints. This is something close to our hearts
       at Salesforce, where we try our best to create sustainable solutions with minimal environmental impact.

10. Reliability

      With a managed service platform, cloud computing is much more reliable and consistent than in-house IT infrastructure. Most
      providers offer a Service Level Agreement which guarantees 24/7/365 and 99.99% availability. Your organization can benefit
      from a massive pool of redundant IT resources, as well as quick failover mechanism - if a server fails, hosted applications and
      services can easily be transited to any of the available servers.

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